In Himalayan Buddhism, Vajra Guru Padmasambhava is acknowledged as a Second Buddha. He is also calledPadmakara, and a number of other names besides. Each epithet refers to a particular role that he played in order to establish Buddhism firmly in the land of Tibet.
What does this mantra have to do with me?
Tibetan territory is only a few hundred miles from northern India where Buddha Shakyamuni, the historical Buddha, lived and taught, and yet for well over twelve hundred years Buddhism made little impact on the Land of Snows. So, if it had not been for Guru Rinpoche we might never know the full extent of the transmission of Buddha-dharma, for in no other land was the entiresystem preserved in detail. Therefore any practitioner of every level, school, denomination and lineage, can honour the heart connection to the great Vajra Guru.
Also, everyone who has benefited in any way, either directly or even indirectly, from the words and/or the example of the lamas that have been able to teach us during these last 50 years, has Guru Rinpoche to thank.
What is the mantra?
Om Ah Hung, Vajra Guru Pema Siddhi, Hung!
The Power of Guru Rinpoche
"Guru Rinpoche" means Precious Guru. It is one of the names of Padmasambhava (8th century), who is also known as the Vajra Guru. Vajra here refers to the extra-ordinary methods employed so that Buddhism would take hold in Tibet. Guru means "teacher," with the connotation of "spiritual mentor." In the Tibetan language, this meaning is conveyed by the word lama.
The Virtues of the Vajra Guru Mantra
- Terma [revealed text] by Karma Lingpa (14th C.) in which Yeshe Tsogyal explains the advantages of recitation of Guru Rinpoche's mantrasyllable by syllable.
- More about the merit of reciting the mantra of Guru Rinpoche.
Who is The Vajra Guru?
- A Short Biography of Guru RinpocheAccording to Jamgon Kongtrul the Great.
- More About Guru Rinpoche.
- See also, Precious Guru.
About Similar Request by Other Lamas
Trulshik Rinpoche and the 14th Dalai Lama also expressed that students recite the mantra of Guru Rinpoche. There is no conflict of interest. All Tibetan denominations and lineages recognize the efficacy of Guru Rinpoche's mantra in overcoming obstacles to the practice of Buddha-dharma, as well as in the restoration of peace and harmony.
Whether Nyingmapa, Sakyapa, Kagyupa or Gelugpa, we all recite the invocation to Guru Rinpoche, especially on the 10th of the lunar month. And among Mahayanists, all mantras are dedicated to the benefit of sentient beings everywhere. In the case of someone reporting the same total to lamas of more than one denomination, in one's mind the recitations might be dedicated in the following way: We could say, "This is dedicated to all beings and in particular, to the activity of the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa."